Arice wants to recast personal experiences and perceptions; which come to life thanks to 3D graphics. By arousing emotions, evoking forgotten memories, or galvanising visions to freely interpret; Arice lets the viewers wander into alternative worlds through his eyes. For his work he rejects any kind of label.

Computer graphics are just a medium, for a wider purpose: streaming visions able to astonish and leave an emotional imprint.

After graduating in Computer Science, he moves from Milan to Dublin. This is the time when his short film “Don’t You Know You’re Queen” comes to life: an artistic outlet; dictated by a deep, personal need to share his point of view about some aspects of today’s society. D.Y.K.Y.A.Q. marks Arice’s debut as a Director, while putting into practice many diverse technical skills acquired in the previous years. His unique visual approach particularly in his work on fashion imagery and film has earned him notable commissions from Italian VOGUE and ETRO and many key award wins including the 2017 IDI Grand Prix, IDI Award Best CG Short Film 2017,  Best Italian Fashion Film – Milan 2017, Best Experimental Film and Gold for Best VFX – Berlin Fashion Festival 2017, Best VFX – San Diego La Jolla 2017.

Arice will be one of the 4 speakers as part of OFFSHOOTS, a new series of 4 x 10min talks in the main stage.